Providing Comfortable and Friendly Dental Services
At Rice Family Dentistry, our goal is to provide quality, personalized dental care services to you and your loved ones. We welcome all patients as if they are family and we are confident you will feel right at home in our clinic. Contact us today for an appointment in Winfield, Kansas.
Our general dental practice offers:
- Professional Cleanings
- Digital Radiographs
- Esthetic Dental Restorations
- Root Canals
- Crowns
- Bridges
- Implant Restorations
- Dentures
- Partial Dentures
- Pediatric Dentistry
- Extractions
- Nitrous Oxide/Laughing Gas
- Tooth Whitening
Insurances We Accept

Release of Identifying Health Information
To authorize our dental office to release health information identifying you including, if applicable, information about HIV infection or AIDS, information about substance abuse treatment, and information about mental health services, kindly download and fill out our authorization form.
Patient Registration
Our patient registration form is available in PDF format for download. Please print a copy, fill it out, and bring them with you to your appointment.
Primary and Secondary Dental Insurance Policy
At Rice Family Dentistry, we will take care of the filing of your primary and secondary insurance policies. Be sure you are aware of the requirements needed for both policies to cover your treatment. Learn more about our general insurance policy.
Financial Policy
Rice Family Dentistry offers a variety of payment options, so you may receive the beautiful smile you deserve with respect to your budget. Get in touch with us to learn more about our financial policy.
Notice of Privacy Practices
The Notice of Privacy Practices document describes how protected health information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully. Afterward, please acknowledge the receipt of the document by completing this form.
Health History
Although dental personnel primarily treat the area in and around your mouth, your mouth is a part of your entire body. Health problems that you may have, or medication that you may be taking, could have an important relationship with the dentistry you will receive. Kindly download and complete our Health History form, then bring it with you to your appointment.
Email and Texting
If you would like to receive an email or text pertaining to your appointments at Rice Family Dentistry, please fill out the following form.